A Boy and His Turtles: Christmas 1987

The story below is Andy’s. It is about accepting the real nature of things, which is always appropriate at Christmas. We helped him write it up, and we sent it out as our Christmas message in 1987. People in their fifties and older often enjoy remembering holidays with young children. We like remembering this one, and we hope you will like it too.

Dad said I either had to do the dishes or write the Christmas note. I want to tell you about my turtles. Last spring I wanted turtles and Mom bought two. They were small and friendly, and I named them Dribble and Drabble. When we brought them home I put them in a pan on the front porch. Kevin was there and he wanted one but I said no. Dixie, our neighbor’s dog, was there too and she ate the turtle food.

I went to play, and when I got back, Dribble was gone. I thought Dixie ate him, so I went to the garage to get a stick to beat her. Mom caught me just as I was headed across the lawn, and she wouldn’t let me go. Mom said there was no proof Dixie ate it, and even if she did, I still couldn’t beat her. The next day I drew Dribble’s picture in a notebook and he looked like this:

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